Monday, February 28, 2011


The post today is a devotion I had and I would like to share. For more other resources, please check the link.

Acts 6:4

God has issued some dramatic calls to service. Moses heard His voice from a burning bush (Ex. 3). Isaiah saw a vision of heaven's throne room (Isa. 6). However, a spectacle is the exception rather than the rule. For most who follow the Lord to the mission field, His call is a persistent tug on the heart. It is a whisper in their spirit asking, "How will they know God unless someone tells them?" (Rom. 10:14).

It's better if the Lord doesn't have to use drama to get our attention. Consider stubborn Saul who needed a serious talking to and temporary blindness to get him on the mission field (Acts 26:13-18). I know I'd rather hear the Lord's still small voice!

People can try to ignore the heart tug, block the ever-present question with activity, or satisfy it by giving money rather than themselves. Some outright say no. But the call persists. God's will is set and His plan is steadfast. Though we may run, we can't escape His call to obey (Jonah 1:1; 3:1).

The road of obedience will certainly be marked with challenges. But difficulty is part of any life—at home or abroad, in mission work or a traditional job. Thankfully, the rewards of serving are greater than any hardship. Remember that Jesus promised Peter a hundred-fold return on his investment in the kingdom (Mark 10:28-30).

Carrying the gospel is a great opportunity to serve God. What better way to thank Him for saving us and writing our name in the Book of Life than to share that experience with others. If the Lord's still small voice is calling you, say yes and see what amazing, life-changing work He can do through you.

Indeed our call comes in different ways and let us be encouraged carry the word to every home and into every heart. Let us obey the call and make Christ known.

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