Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Today March 15th marks another milestone in my life. God has been good to me. He has kept me alive and blessed me with another year.

I am grateful to God for all He has done for me. He has blessed me and remained faithful to me even when I was unfaithful, He loved me when I was full of hate, He cared for me when I was uncaring, He has shown mercy when I was not. God has never taken His eyes off me and has protected me when I thought I was open to hurt, pains and shame. He has taken the shame away, appointed me when I was disappointed, placed a robe and a crown on my head when I was in rags and placed a seal of owner over my life.

I thank God for the life of all of you my blog readers. Its been nice having you on board. Your comments have been encouraging and you have all played a big role in keeping this blog alive and active. To all my friends on blogger, twitter, formspring, skype, facebook etc, I say God bless you and thank you for the role God is using you to play in my life.

God bless you all and may His favor be your portion.



  1. nice one...I will definitely miss this blog. Blessings :)
