Friday, August 27, 2010


.....When He had come near, He asked him, "what do you want me to do?" He said, "Lord, that I may see again".[LUKE 18:35-43].

Other versions say, "that I might receive my sight". What an answer, how beautiful. This message dropped in me on my way to work this morning. We all have needs. Some of us have a tall list and it includes everything you can imagine or think of. I was trying to find out what people were requesting from God when they had the chance to do so and among those whose request took me into thinking was that of the blind man Jesus healed on His way to Jericho and that of Solomon. Sometimes, God knows very well what we need but He will ask again, "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO FOR YOU"?

Are you prepared for such a question? Are you backing your request by FAITH? There is one thing I hear almost all blind men can do perfectly and that is finding the way to their mouth [Just by the way] but the blind Bartimaeus still wanted to see. Some of us are lucky now to have eyes but we still must ask for sight. "We see but we can't see". Its time we stop praying for money, etc and turn our request to other things. The question God is asking is, "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO FOR YOU/WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" At first it appears that Jesus asked a seemingly ignorant question "What do you want me to do for you?" It seems to me it would have been intuitively obvious what the blind man wanted. But I think the point is to give this man an opportunity to ask in faith specifically what he wanted. At times our prayers are too vague. Let us learn to also be specific. "THAT I MAY SEE AGAIN" was the answer.

Solomon knew that to rule you will need so many things but when he was given the chance to ask for anything [I Kings 3:5], he said he he needed wisdom. That is simply what he need at that time and I love what God said and all the things He added unto Solomon [1Kings 3:12-13.

Am convinced and forced to say that most of our prayer request are not answered because their are either not specific, not backed by faith or we are asking for things we shouldn't be asking for. Stop the money, wealth and health prayer for a while, change the topic for after seeking first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, all and I mean all other things shall be added unto you. This man needed sight to literally follow Jesus better. What do you want that will help you to follow Jesus better? Don't be afraid to ask the Lord, nor be hindered by others who may discourage you from doing so.

Have a blessed weekend.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I have been out for some days now. I was occupied with family issues since I have to see to my sick dad.
My dad has been sick for some days now. He has been suffering from a severe headache caused by the swelling of a section of his gum and that has kept him out of the office for some days given him some sleepless nights as well.

By the grace of God he is feeling better now and was planning to go to work today as I was about to leave the house for work. I thank God for healing my dad and for how far He has brought my family.

Please remember my family in prayers anytime you go on your knees before the Throne of Mercy.

God bless you and enjoy the weekend ahead.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Okay, agreed and accepted in good faith. The CeCe Winans issue is gone and we only wait and pray the organizers put things together and fix a new date because we can't wait!!!

I want to ask a question here please. There are so many great men and women in the Bible with wonderful stories about their life styles and their encounter with God. From Daniel through Joseph, Sampson, Paul, David, Solomon, Abraham, Sarah, Racheal, Naomi, Ruth etc. I want to know; WHO IS YOUR BIBLICAL MENTOR AND WHY? Who in the Bible lead a life style which you recommend or like? I was discussing it in the office the other day I was amazed at the answers that came out. I know the life of Jesus Christ is second to none but aside Jesus, who made it to your list and why? Talking from his or her calling, his or her rise or fall in christianity, problems he or she faced and how he or she attacked or faced it.

Let me know your thoughts.

Monday, August 09, 2010

IN ALL THINGS, .........................

I actually wanted to post this update on friday but it was late to do so. I know many of you my dear readers will be waiting this morning to read something or view pictures about the show that would have brought me much joy over the weekend.

Unfortunately, am sad to inform you that due to flight problems, CeCe Winans could not make it to Ghana as earlier on announced. I know some might have heard it already but if you have not, then this is the reason I will not be able to get you any thing on CeCe. We were expecting her on friday evening but that wasn't meant to be. The event has been re-scheduled for another day and we look forward to that.

As the Bible said, in all things, we are encouraged to give thanks to God hence please lets put away the disappointment and say THANK YOU to God for He knows best.

Stay blessed and have a fruitful week.

Friday, August 06, 2010

AM OFF !!!!!!!!!

A blessed week I had. Work was full of fun and I had a nice time with my manager but none of the things that happened within the week gave me much joy than after securing my ticket for the Adom Praiz to meet and listen to songs from the blessed award winning gospel artist CECE WINANS.

I have a protocol ticket and am looking foward to the program. Hopefuly I will bring you the nights momment full of pictures and if possible a video.

Have a blessed weekend and stay blessed till we hear from each other hopefully next week.

Am out.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Let us sing this song titled "THE OLD RUGGED CROSS" by Johny cash together. I am good at singing tennor. I hope to get you to sing out the alto,bass or soprano so we make a great choir. Hopefully, we can make a remix.
Stay blessed and enjoy the rest of the week.