Monday, February 15, 2010


This is the continuation of my blog titled " HELP ME DECIDE PLEASE" but I feel I should call this " TIME IN HIS PRESENCE" instead. For your records, I said yes to the proposal so am now seriously in a relationship. The name of my love is Jesus Christ and we had a nice time yesterday the 14th of February popularly known as valentines day.
I would have missed millions if I had stayed at home and not gone to church. The preacher woman blessed me with the teachings for the day which was taken from the book of Exodus chapter 34 verses 29-30 which talks about the experience Moses had after an encounter with God on Mount Sinai. The Bible makes us understand that the skin of his face shone and the verse 30 continues to tell us even Aaron and all the children of Isreal were afraid to come near him.
A quick look at Luke chapter 9 verses 32-35 also throws more light on the glory of God experienced by Peter, James and John after they woke up from their sleep on the mountain. These two passages clearly teaches us how quality time in Gods presence is like. Am begining to think that as Moses experienced in Exodus, excuse me to say there will be no need for a facial make-up if he was a lady because I don't think the glory of God will make your face shine with spots even if there should, I think it is for the glorification of God as in John the chapter 11 verses 4 but on a more serious note I think it is an experience we must all desire, spending quality time in His presence.
My valentine day celebration was something worth to remember with my new love. After church in the morning, I went home for some rest and went to church again. How lovely. Hope your valentine day was blessed too because mine was and I advise we should not be sleeping like Peter and co because they nearly missed something good. Don't you think so?

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